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5 Tips to Cultivate Personal Power & Self-Confidence
Deepak Chopra Newsletter

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When you step into your power, you cultivate self-esteem and personal worth. A new sense of freedom emerges, doubts fall away, and you quit being a marionette to other people’s expectations or vulnerable to external circumstances. This new confidence allows you to let go of the need to judge, criticize, or compare yourself to others. When you claim your power, you also claim your greatest potential as an expression of your source creator.

Defining Your Individual Spiritual Practice

Science of Mind Magazine


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Construct a personal belief that is freshly minted by you. … I have two cardinal principles in my spiritual beliefs: They must be joyful and practical. I call it “kitchen table spirituality.” I know if it doesn’t elevate me or harmonize with my everyday life, it won’t endure. It must fit like a glove, require little effort to maintain and flow as a part of me. It’s a loving presence that is consistent in my everyday being.

Growing Through Adversity
Science of Mind Magazine

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What miracles the flexibility of belief can bring. From life’s challenges we see that adversity and happiness are not always opposites of each other but part of a dance, each event feeding the other in an ever-escalating ladder of growth and expansion. Knowing there is always a benefit increases your determination to dig deeper, discovering the purpose behind the pain brings justification, and with each success we gain wisdom, resilience and confidence in our ability. … I have no doubt that my dark ages were direct guideposts to my becoming a co-creator with the Universe.

Nature: The Physical Manifestation of the Mind of God

Science of Mind Magazine

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Nature offers a boundless opportunity for discovery and spiritual expansiveness. … Nature has no concept of time: it merely runs in cycles, a steady rhythm that creates perfect balance and harmony. Nature constantly renews in continuous cycles of death and rebirth, decay and harvest. Nature teaches that we, personally, create growth from change, and transformation comes when we let go and become renewed again.

"Come Dance With Me": Step Onto Your Spiritual Path

Gateway to an Enlightened World: Collective Life Lessons to Support Planetary Transformation ~ Enlightened Women ~ Enlightened You Summit anthology

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“Come Dance With Me”: Step Onto Your Spiritual Path. 

My guides repeatedly beckon, “Come dance with me.” Let your spiritual path also become a dance: a time of intimacy with a higher presence, a time of whimsy and delight, a consistent melody that hums in the background of your life. The spiritual life is mystical as the moon, fresh as nature, solid as granite, and comforting as a glowing fire on a winter night. It brings solace to a spinning world and turns your everyday life into a pirouette. … The dance is a continuous upward spiral. As your perceptions expand, your life will shift. You’ll see things from a higher plane with greater acceptance, patience, and understanding of yourself and others and of the universe and your place within it.

The Law of Attraction, Science of Energy, and Power of Thoughts

Enlightened World Online

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Energy – it is the luscious, vibrant stuff of creation. Our ability to work with it is a constant source of delight. Its potential for co-creation is endless. The results are miraculous. It is energy that is the basis of each and every building block in the Universe. … And we have the power to tap into that force as our personal tool. … I never knew science could be this much fun until I linked it to wellness and spirituality. I still get so excited about this work.

Quiet Mind: How to Create Freedom from Depression and Anxiety

Enlightened World Online

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I’m a mental health insider. I am one of the few who—plunged into the conventional mental healthcare system—emerged victorious from depression and anxiety by designing my own wellness program, Quiet Mind. I’ve been symptom-free and medication-free for more than seven years and proof of this program’s success. … This is a brief summary of the tools and practices.

Step Into Your Power: How to Reclaim Your Joy and Wellness

Enlightened World Online

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It took breast cancer, deep depression, debilitating fear, then a series of further losses for me to finally step into my power—my authentic power. … As I reached rock bottom, I began to take steps that took me from my own personal “Dark Ages” to my life now, a life I truly love. These steps gave me a healthy sense of self-esteem and personal worth. I was also able to claim my greatest potential, as a unique expression of Source creator.

Featured Host – Author, Speaker, Intuitive Linda Dierks

Enlightened World Online

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I’ve long known that it is my true path to support and encourage others to move from illness (both mental and physical), isolation, and depression into healing and joy. I show people how to transform and grow by tapping into the mechanics of energy, the power of thought, and divine love. … That I personally lived through these experiences and successfully came full circle with the help of my Spirit Guides is something I know was my life’s mission.