This is now a legacy website for Linda Dierks who passed over on July 10, 2021.
The website will continue for 4 years so that others may enjoy and learn from her remarkable insights. Her last blog, Dying gets a Bad Rap is below.
Dying Gets a Bad Rap
Dying gets a bad rap. I’ve always said, “The ultimate freedom in life is to not be afraid to die.” Our cultural conditioning robs us of the richness that lies here.
The cancer in my liver has expanded and new tumors have cropped up. I can try a different chemotherapy every three weeks that will buy me more time, but I am declining further treatment.
I am contented, in clarity, and welcome the coming adventure. To do more chemotherapy would leave me sick and frightened taking all the peace, grace and goodness out of the dying process.
This is what my passing will look like. An enormous gift from my friend and teacher, Neelam Minocha. Please click to watch. <Click Here >
To illustrate the joy and celebration to be found here I share these realizations sent to me over the last five months:
Dying is like being on vacation and you’ve stayed long enough. It’s been lovely, but it’s time to go home now.
Let go of the outcome.
Let go of control.
Stay in the present.
Expect miracles.
(As with all things in life. )
I’m just exiting earth school to move up the evolution. So much more learning is to come. I’m barely out of kindergarten.
Maybe I’m so content with this process because I’m already a higher being. I’m just changing out of my earth school clothes.
I’ve been aspiring to pure consciousness my whole life. Now I’ll get it free!
I am moving from carbon to crystal.
I am already moving into higher form. When I look in the mirror, I see my body as something separate from me.
“The ultimate freedom is to live without the body.” – Neelam Minocha
“It’s just the liftoff that gets sticky. You’ve done this before.” – Rev. Dale Olansky
My friend and mentor, Meredith Young-Sowers said,
“The greatest gift you can give us is to be in joy.”
To that I add, “The greatest gift you can give me is to be in joy.
When my mother died, I was sent a black and white image of the profile of her face coming up through the surface of the water and she gasped in the air. The message was that living in physical form was like trying to breathe under water. After she died, I was sent the exact same image but in vivid color. A metaphor for the expansion and beauty on the other side.
Remember the three golden rules:
Take care of yourself first.
We are here to show God a good time.
Love cures all.
I have the easy job here. Please send prayers to my friend and caregiver Jennifer Hall, and my brother Dennis Smith who are doing the heavy lifting.
I am closing the porch and encourage all of you to take up the torch in your own voice.
With great love and joy, – Linda
Your starting foundation …
Bring your mind back to its joyful, agile, and enriched state. This simple handbook builds the basics.
Our work is always unfolding …
Come join me on my porch! We share and strengthen your journey with inspirations, videos, and community sharing.

Crafted snippets of insight for everyday life.
EWN Enlightened World Network
Linda was one of the speakers on Enlightened World Network, and EWN is posting a weekly section called Spin Straw To Gold Legacy by Linda Dierks. If you would like to subscribe to EWN’s weekly newsletter, please visit this link: SPIN STRAW TO GOLD LEGACY by Linda Dierks.
Linda created many short upbeat videos to support mental wellness and posted them on Youtube. They can be found here> Click to view
Linda’s Facebook group “Quiet Mind Mental Wellness” will remain up indefinitely. This page is member-based. Please answer the simple questions and immediately become a member. There in the “Guide” section, Linda prepared 60+ lessons and memes to help raise awareness of simple techniques for lightening one’s load and reclaiming joy. Click Here
Lastly, Linda’s work will be highlighted weekly in the Enlightened World Network newsletter in a column titled “Spin Straw to Gold Legacy Edition by Linda Dierks.” To opt into this newsletter, please sign up HERE
Linda Dierks The Final Exit 7.10.2021
Our friend and soul sister, Linda Dierks passed away Saturday, July 10, 2021, just as she had planned, with her dear friend Jen and her brother Dennis at her side. Earlier that morning, a private transitional service was held with Linda in attendance, including her friends Rev. Dale Olansky, Rev. Meredith Young-Sowers, and me, Dr. Ruth Anderson.
Dale, Meredith, and I had the privilege of speaking with Linda on the phone Saturday morning before her service. Her mood was upbeat and determined. She joked, laughed, and was so grateful for ALL of the love and support from her friends and family, both local and virtual. She was not afraid but excited about her transition. She planned her setting carefully and was prepared in all ways. We likened her to a bride preparing to walk down the aisle to begin a new life. This was truly a time of joy and celebration, yes, with a twinge of heartbreak. Hundreds of friends across the globe held Linda in loving support at her request at 11:00 am ET. Together we celebrated Linda’s life and embraced her as she exercised Vermont’s Act 39, Death with Dignity law.
Linda planned this intimate service to the detail and she spoke eloquently, touching hearts and sharing spiritual wisdom until her last minutes. Linda not only planned her final exit send-off, but she hoped that we would share it with you. Linda chose to speak off-camera. There is nothing graphic in the video, and Linda made her final transition several hours after our time with her was complete.
Linda’s faith was an inspiration to others and allowed her to embrace death with dignity and grace. Linda continually modeled a passion for nature, striving for personal excellence and an ability to love others. While we miss Linda dearly in our earthly realm, our connection will be with her in spirit.
If any of you are struggling with Linda’s passing and would like to speak with one of us, please reach out:
***Rev. Dale Olansky at revdaleo@gmail.com
***Rev. Meredith Young-Sowers at mysowers@gmail.com or
***Dr. Ruth Anderson at welcome@enlightenedworld.online
Thank you for being part of Linda’s life and thank you for holding this sacred, joyful space with us for her passing. Linda’s work supporting mental wellness is comprehensive and beautifully written. It will continue to be shared: *Her website will remain up for four years so her prolific writing can be accessed.
My Best, Dr. Ruth Anderson, Enlightened World Network