Lately I’ve been attracting others, like me, who are experiencing new awakenings. People writing, making music and art, leaving relationships that no longer serve them and mentoring others. With many there’s a repeating theme of letting go of alcohol in exchange for more purpose, creativity, restful sleep, mental stability, contentment and spiritual expansion. All stepping into larger versions of themselves.
You too can create a playground of imagination and creativity. When you express you set an energetic cycle in motion that returns more creativeness to you. Life is magnified when you dance with this divine energy.
Nothing tops the fulfillment of authenticity, self-esteem and living your best life. We were put here to achieve our full potential. Get out of the way and allow this force to move through you.
Come into your full intellectual and creative expression. Show up every day.
“Come on Universe, light my fire.”
– Mike Dooley