We are connecting the dots in different ways; creating a new web of activities, entertainment, and personal interaction. On last week’s hiking trip trail traffic was booming. Kayaks are impossible to find, bikes are flying off the racks, and camping gear is in high demand. The ReWilding of America.
In a time of crisis where else would you go but to the purity and safety of nature? And with this communion we amplify our awareness of the importance of protecting our environment.
We are inseparable from the physical environment that is our very existence – the umbilical cord to life’s supply chain of water, food, and warmth from the sun. That which sustains us should not be taken for granted and treated callously. Cherish and protect her – your life depends on it. Connect the dot.
My mountain yoga studio. Hear the waterfall HERE .
See my article, Nature: The Physical Manifestation of the Mind of God, in Science of Mind Magazine Here.